Friday, February 21, 2014

Bicycle Touring is one of the most Earth-friendly ways to discovering life

Bicycle Touring is one of the most Earth-friendly ways for discovering and exploration of sacredness of life, that we all live. Bicycle Touring can not be compared to any other mode of travel. A Bicycle traveler is actively present all the time, because with every driven mile, the real life continuously happens in front of his eyes. With the Touring bicycle under his feet, the world is sliding past him in all its diversity. Therefore, Bicycle traveler is traveling slowly. Fast enough to get somewhere and slow enough to admire the interesting details along the way.
In one moment he can be daydreaming and watching the clouds on the blue sky and the next moment he is already tighten his muscles, when pedalling his bike into the slope in front of him , knowing that soon he will have a breathtaking views following by the descend into a new undiscovered valley. Bicycling traveler is truly free. He can go where he wants and stops when the wishes to. He might pitch his tent and rest in solitude, or be invited by a local family, or just go between people, whether he wants to. The aim of Cycling traveler should not be to get somewhere there as soon as possible, but that he is experiencing simultaneously, through dynamic events or scenery along the way, that he wants to ride. The great allegory of life, as constant movement and change, which is more important then the goal, is implemented here literally, namely when the bicycle traveler slowly pushing pedals on his touring bicycle across the world.
And that flexibility is the most important thing to Cycling traveler on the road. It can be anything he wants to. And the best preparation the Touring Cyclist can do is, to get the appropriate bike and equipment and hit the road.

I was hoping once that a realization of my idea would be inspired by a Higher source - but it's not - I don't think I will go and save the world just by traveling with ecological transport. However, I can redeem myself. And that could be a reasonable goal. Like many I am looking for answers to the oldest question about meaning of life and about, what it is given to us and what is not. Between me and the image of the real world, the construct of reality, without smell, taste or touch has been created over the years ! It consists of a multitude of artificial images and sounds, filtered, and transmitted through digital communications and social media.
Also for the sake of this fact, I just want to stroll and scroll around this beautiful world by bicycle. Simply enough? To make a visit to dream destinations, get to know people, write about it, and above all do exactly what pleased me. I still have many days, months and perhaps years in abundance. I will ride as long as I enjoyed the beautiful days and then stop, rest, socialize with people, eat, write, and sometimes have to earn some money. Then at dusk, I will lay to rest, sleep well and with a smile on my face wake up in the new sunlit days and hopefully, will never hurry. I still have all the time, of the rest of my life available, to carry out the most important thing in human life to live my dream. Our lives will inevitably pass, and such as mine, it is the only one and very unique.
Is it to much to expect that this goal will remain a humble signpost to my sons and you ... brother? And, thus my life is becoming more defined. Finally, I have a goal and this goal is my way ...

Bicycle traveler’s Quest

Despite all impressions, it is a journey to yourself ! To encounter and identify with the omnipresent pulse of Life.
The experience and especially identification with the world through direct experience.
It offers us the answer to that inner yearning, looking primarily conclusion of peace with himself.
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